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Discovering Islam Next Door: Inspiring Conversion Story (Australia)

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Hey, everyone!

Welcome to another episode of "Becoming Muslim."

Today, we have an incredible story to share with you, a story that will surely warm your heart and inspire you to embark on your own personal journey of self-discovery.

So, grab your headphones and get ready for an uplifting adventure. Let's dive in!

Meet Zane, a 21-year-old with an extraordinary story of transformation.

Growing up in Brisbane, Queensland, Zane was surrounded by crime and drugs.

But amidst this challenging environment, Zane's life took a remarkable turn.

Zane is a true Aussie, born and bred, with a blend of Irish and South African heritage.

He's a go-getter, working in Project Management within the Construction industry.

Outside of work, you'll find him riding the waves as a passionate surfer or cheering on his favorite rugby league team.

In the midst of this noble pursuit, Zane found an unexpected source of inspiration.

It was his next-door neighbor, a devout Muslim, who played an instrumental role in his life-changing decision.

With their guidance, support, and patience, Zane began to explore the beauty and wisdom of Islam.

Fast forward six months after converting, and Zane's life has undergone a magnificent transformation.

He embraced Islam wholeheartedly, finding solace in its teachings and embracing a new way of life.

The positive impact on his well-being and outlook has been truly remarkable.

Zane is thrilled to have bid farewell to the shadows of crime and drugs, now leading a clean, purposeful, and religious life.

He radiates newfound happiness and fulfillment, driven by his strong faith and the support of his Muslim community.

Zane's experience has opened his eyes to the extraordinary power of personal change.

But that's not all! Zane has even begun sharing his knowledge with other troubled Muslim brothers, offering them brief lectures and inspiring them to walk the path of righteousness.

His passion for helping others has only grown stronger since his conversion.

So, dear listeners, whether you find yourself surrounded by negativity or struggling to discover your purpose, let Zane's incredible journey be your guiding light.

Remember, it's never too late to embark on a new path, to embrace a new faith, or to transform your life for the better.

We hope Zane's story has touched your hearts and inspired you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery.

Stay tuned for more extraordinary tales on the "Becoming Muslim" podcast.

Remember, you have the power to create your own story. Until next time!

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast

Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?

The Becoming Muslim podcast at https://untoislam.com is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.

Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:

(1) How to convert to Islam

(2) What it means to be Muslim

(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

Episode Host: Cedric Du Peloux (Australia)

He describes the story like this:

What happened is that my father separated with my mother when he became Muslim.

My mother is not Muslim and I grew up with her.

I went on holiday when I was 8 years old and spent some time with my father and that's when faith in Islam entered my heart.

Then I went back to my mum until I was 14 years old.

In my heart I felt I was Muslim even if I didn't know much about Islam.

Then I went on to live with my father for a few years and decided to learn and practice Islam.

I consider myself more like a revert as I chose to be Muslim at a certain point.

I grew up pretty much as a non Muslim and also because Islam was not part of my culture back then.

I'm definitely closer to a Westerner than to someone that grew up in Islam.

But at the same time I'm not your typical revert.

I've learned so much throughout this journey that I make sure to share my knowledge within the youth of my community when I get a chance.

About Cedric:

  • 38 years old
  • Converted in 1996
  • From France, born in Paris,
  • Mother is French native Caucasian
  • Father was from a French West Indies island called 'Guadeloupe'
  • Has lived in Melbourne Australia since 2012
  • Works in the IT field as an Application Operation Engineer
  • Huge basketball fan
  • Very into spiritual readings especially about tassawuf, tazkiya and hagiographies
  • Enjoys different writings about the history and state of the Muslim world

He also says:

I'm passionate about giving dawah at any chance I can and also helping the less fortunates whether it is through donation or physical assistance but my main area of expertise are marriage and relationship and also helping Westerner new reverts to make sense of their Islam as it can sometime be challenging for people that were born Muslim and non Westerner to understand where a revert is coming from.

Contact Cedric here:

See full profile page here.

Cedric's Episodes (17)

See more from Cedric...

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Welcome to Unto Islam, where our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources to cater to your spiritual needs. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day-to-day Islamic practices, we invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Tune in and be inspired by our engaging content!


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