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Entering Islam During Lockdown; Jesus Wouldn’t Have Said That - New Muslim Story (Philippines)

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Pauline was brought up in a Catholic household with love and compassion for others.

During her time finding out about Islam she prayed that her journey into this new way of life be easy and even easier for her parents.

Her innate wisdom took her on a path to embracing Islam and keeping a loving connection with her parents.

All of this without meeting any Muslims personally.

Allah opened up a way for her during the isolation of Lockdown.

About Pauline:

  • Converted in 2020, it was in May 19th during Ramadan (7 months ago)
  • 24 years old
  • From the Philippines
  • Lives in Laguna, Philippines
  • Works as an accountant
  • Enjoys creative stuff, cooking, writing.
  • Has an Instagram account dedicated for Islamic posts
  • Passionate about continuously seeking for beneficial knowledge so that she will not only know and act upon it but also be able to share it with others one day,.
  • Also likes to help orphans and the old people.

Pauline states:

"I come from a Catholic family who went to church every Sunday, studied in Catholic school and with the constant questions I had in my heart, Allah lead me to Islam. Alhamdulillah."

Resources mentioned in the episode:

People mentioned in the episode:

Books mentioned in the episode:

Find Pauline on Instagram:

  • @ailahmaryam on IG

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast

Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?

The Becoming Muslim podcast at https://untoislam.com is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.

Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:

(1) How to convert to Islam

(2) What it means to be Muslim

(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

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Welcome to Unto Islam, where our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources to cater to your spiritual needs. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day-to-day Islamic practices, we invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Tune in and be inspired by our engaging content!


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