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How Easy Is It To Become A Muslim? What Is The Appeal Of Islam To The Agnostic? Convert Story (USA)

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Like many of us examining religion left Michael feeling no closer to the complete truth or any more spiritually guided from before.

Finding himself standing on the cusp of all religion entirely.

Michael forged forward through adulthood knowing and believing there is a God.

However still unable to practically, mentally and logically resolve the best way to live a life conducive to his belief.

From an outsiders perspective Islam may look like a set of strict and infinitely nuanced rules.

Mysterious or even exclusive.

In spite of this Michael recalls how he dived right in simply after declaring 'There is no God except one God' and has never looked back since.

So what is the appeal of Islam to the agnostic?

Is it really complicated to become a Muslim?

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast

Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?

The Becoming Muslim podcast at https://untoislam.com is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.

Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:

(1) How to convert to Islam

(2) What it means to be Muslim

(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

Episode Host: Crystal Joseph (England)

Crystal always grew up knowing God.

At a young age (as early as 10 years old) her feelings towards the church changed.

She started to follow her gut instinct that it was all wrong.

Finally she felt that Christianity was a block between her and her creator.

After leaving the church she went through a stage of conforming to society.

This included not knowing an answer to the questions of faith and not seeking one either.

Going through this she felt drained.

Crystal tried Buddhism and meditation while still believing in God.

She stated that in England people tend to mix and match and try to make their own answers to questions about God as you go along.

She needed something.

The turning point for her was at the age of 21, she visited Egypt.

She heard the Quran for the first time and felt like this was real life.

A visit to Mt Sinai was one of her first spiritual experiences of Islam.

At the same time she was learning about the scientific proofs in the Quran.

Crystal was getting black and white answers to all her questions.

See full profile page here.

Crystal's Episodes (10)

See more from Crystal...

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Welcome to Unto Islam, where our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources to cater to your spiritual needs. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day-to-day Islamic practices, we invite you to join us on this empowering journey. Tune in and be inspired by our engaging content!


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